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External PKI

Deploying openDesk into an environment with custom public key infrastructure (PKI) that is usually not part of public certificate authority chains or deploying openDesk into a local cluster without ACME challenge.


There are two options to address the use case.

Option 1: Bring Your Own Certificate

This option is useful, when you have your own PKI in your environment which is trusted by all clients that should access openDesk.

  1. Disable cert-manager.io certificate resource creation:

      enabled: false
  2. Enable mount of self-signed certificates:

      selfSigned: true
  3. Create a Kubernetes secret named opendesk-certificates-tls of type kubernetes.io/tls containing either a valid wildcard certificate or a certificate with all required subdomains set as SANs (Subject Alternative Name).

  4. Create a Kubernetes secret with name opendesk-certificates-ca-tls of type kubernetes.io/tls containing the custom CA certificate as X.509 encoded (ca.crt) and as jks trust store (truststore.jks).

  5. Create a Kubernetes secret with name opendesk-certificates-keystore-jks with key password and as value the jks trust store password.

Option 2a: Use cert-manager.io with auto-generated namespace based root-certificate

This option is useful, when you do not have a trusted certificate available and can’t fetch a certificate from Let’s Encrypt. It will result in a cert-manager managed root certificate in the namespace you deploy openDesk into.

  1. Create self-signed cert-manager.io Cluster Issuer:

    apiVersion: "cert-manager.io/v1"
    kind: "ClusterIssuer"
      name: "selfsigned-issuer"
      selfSigned: {}
  2. Enable mount and creation of self-signed certificates:

        name: "selfsigned-issuer"
      selfSigned: true

Option 2b: Use cert-manager.io with pre-defined/shared root-certificate

Use this approach if you like to use a pre-created CA root certificate that can be "shared" (as copy) between multiple namespaces in a cluster.

  1. Create self-signed cert-manager.io Cluster Issuer root certificate the same was as in Option 2a.

  2. Create the root certificate for the previously created CA, in the example it is placed into the namespace cert-manager.

    apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
    kind: Certificate
      name: opendesk-root
      namespace: cert-manager
      isCA: true
      commonName: opendesk.eu
      secretName: opendesk-root-cert-secret
        organizations: [ "openDesk cluster root certificate organization" ]
        algorithm: ECDSA
        size: 256
        name: selfsigned-issuer
        kind: ClusterIssuer
        group: cert-manager.io
  3. Copy this cert's secret into the/each namespace you want to make use of the cert.

  4. Create issuer in the/each namespace you want to make use of the cert.

The latter two steps are part of the env-start: section within .gitlab-ci.yml.